Whatever it is, they've got it

Added on by Natalie Grasso.


You may have noticed these two yesterday on The Sartorialist, featured together in a different photo. And if you're anything like me, then you peered into your closet, sizing up your own denim shirt and your old torn up jeans because the Washington weather's finally right for jeans and you have to run to Trader Joe's for a bag of spinach and Jenna, ahh, she just looks so cool. And then, if we're even more alike, you talked yourself right out of it, embarrassed you even considered it, there is, of course, only one Jenna Lyons. And only one Amanda Brooks, too. These shots are from today's "On the Street" slideshow on vogue.com. I didn't even recognize Amanda (of Vogue, I Love Your Style, and crisp white shirt fame) at first - her shades stole the show! And those pants, killer color. I so admire them both, and how they trot out their own special brands of style consistently and with such aplomb - Vogue and J.Crew are all the better for it.